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Gul u Nawruz [In English & Arabic]
A Romantic Epic

By Jalal Tabib Shirazi
Edited by Ali Muhaddis
December 2001
Uppsala University Press
ISBN: 91-554-5193-4
130 pages
$40.00 paper original

This book is a romantic epic about the love between princess Gul and prince Nawruz and the obstacles they had to overcome in order to be united. The poem was composed by Jalal Tabib in A.H. 734 / A.D. 1333, in Shiraz. Contents include: Jalal Tabib. Jalal's family. Jalal's work. Gul u Nawruz. Form and contents of Gul u Nawruz. The basic sources of the story. The poet's mind and his artistic description of his time. The poet's eloquence. The missing parts of the work. The method of establishing the text. Bibliography. The text. Appendix.

Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis, Vol. XXXVII