Globalization & the
Return of the Big Plans
Globalization Urban Form & Governance, No. 7
Edited Marisa Carmona, et al.
December 2003
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2468-7
242 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ½"
$67.50 Paper Original
Modern theories and the development of Large Urban Projects are not new; they are as old as the cities and societies that experience the industrial revolution. Since then, much has been said about how technological changes have produced periods of global economic activity which affects production and trade, and also the way in which changes affects the organization of society and space and the urban structure affects societies.
At the end of the 19th century, large urban operations occurred in several cities in an effort to express hegemony in the world system, as well as to improve the unhealthy conditions of the urban environment caused by rapid urbanization. Large urban interventions unfolded through architectural and urban movements that spread to the different continents changing the old industrial city structure, which had fallen into a state of deterioration and decay. The opening of large avenues, the layout of new diagonals and monuments, the construction of underground transport systems, were all replicated in many cities over the following decades.
Contents include: Large Urban Project and Sustainability of Urban Areas: The Macroeconomic Framework, The 'Network City': A Paradigm Challenge for Urban Design and Planning, Trends and Challenges in the Urban Labor Market: The Case of Sao Paulo, Questioning JABOTABEK Growth Centers Strategies: A Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Approach to Introduce the Study of Urban Periphery, Public Space in Areas in Intensification Process, Beijing Courtyard Houses as Cultural Resources, Sustainability in the Built Environment, Urban-Spatial Transformations in Quito, New Legal Framework and the Return of the Large Urban Projects: Urban Operation Faria Lima, Sao Paulo, Overall Vision Vs. Local Actions: Attitudes of the Different Role-Players with Regard to City Building and Its Relation to Segregation, Monitoring Gross Human Rights Violations in Brazil: The (ever evolving) Database of Press Reported Cases, Housing Policy in Chile: Liberal Success - Roof for the Poor, Public-Private Partnership in Urban Projects in France.
Urban Planning; Civil Engineering
Globalization Urban Form & Governance, No. 9
Globalization Urban Form & Governance, No. 10
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