Global Governance in the 21st Century

Alternative Perspectives on World Order

Edited By Bjorn Hettne & Bertil Oden
December 2002
Almqvist & Wiksell International
ISBN: 91-22-01975-8
204 pages, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$58.50 Paper Original

What are the most significant features and likely effects of globalization? What impact will it have on the states system and the prospects for developing countries? Should we be optimistic or is there reason for concern? This EGDI volume addresses the question of possible frameworks of global governance, with particular regard to development and security. It consists of four analyses by distinguished authors in the fields of international relations, peace studies and development research. An introductory essay outlines alternative governance frameworks in general terms, with reference to earlier writings on the fundamentals of international order. Each analysis in the volume provides a different perspective on current and future "world orders". Indra de Soysa and Nils Petter Gleditsch argue that an economic liberal order promotes prosperity and peace by increasing the interdependence between states and societies. Globalization is particularly beneficial to developing countries. Shifting focus, Mark Duffield interprets the "new conflicts" in the South in part as a form of resistance to globalization. In connection, current priorities in development assistance come under criticism. In Raimo Vayrynen's view, the instruments of global governance need to be strengthened in order to reduce world poverty and redress "systemic" inequalities. The role of major organizations like the United Nations is stressed. Richard Falk discusses the prospects for a global democracy of accountability, transparency and broad-based participation - in view of current challenges to the states system. The volume is concluded by reflections on the different analyses in relation to international development cooperation.

Studia Latina Stockholmiensia No. 48

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