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Government Consumption and Investment in Belgium, 1830-1940

By Piet Clement
December 2000
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 9058670597
245 pages
$103.00 paper original

The objective of this study is twofold. First of all it presents an overview and a reappraisal of the public income and expenditure in Belgium over the longterm period from 1830 through 1940. the evolution of central and local public finance is outlined and interpreted on a year by year basis, by applying the present-day methodology and classification technics (discerning direct government consumption from public investment, debt and transfer payments). Secondly this study inquires into the roots and the development of a welfare state in belgium, as related to the overall evolution of public finance. Emphasis is laid on the changing patterns, attitudes and policies in the field of education, social welfare and state-management of the economy. It is argued that a solid foundation for compulsory, publicly funded education, for a stat regulated social security system, and for a collective bargaining economy was laid well before the outbreak of war in 1940.


List of tables, graphs and annexes


Chapter 1: Concepts and Methods

  1. National Accounts
  2. Government, government consumption and investment
  3. Sources
  4. Economic classification
  5. Reliability of the final expenditure series

PART I: Governement Consumption

Chapter 2: Central government consumption

  1. Introduction
  2. Central government consumption in the 19th century
  3. Central government consumption during the interwar period

Chapter 3: Provincial government consumption

  1. Provincial government consumption in the 19th century
  2. Provincial government consumtion during the interwar period

Chapter 4: Municipal government consumption

  1. Municipal government consumption in the 19th century
  2. Municipal government consumption during the interwar period

Chapter 5: Subsized education

  1. Government subsidies in the 19th century
  2. Government subsidies during the interwar period

Chapter 6: Government consumption expenditure 1835-1939. Conclusions

  1. Government consumtption expenditure at current prices
  2. Government consumption expenditure at constant prices
  3. Conclusions

Part II: Government Investment

Chapter 7: Central Government Investment

  1. Central government investment in the 19th century
  2. Central government investment during the interwar period

Chapter 8: Provincial Government Investment during the Interwar Period

Chapter 9: Municipal Government Investment during the Interwar Period

Chapter 10: Subsidized Education Investment during the Interwar Period

Chapter 11: Governement Investment Expenditure, 1920-1939. Conclusions

  1. Government investment at current and at constant prices, 1920-39.
  2. Conclusions

Annex 1: GNP and Indici
Annex 2: Governement Pensions
Annex 3: Municipal Expenditure 1850-65, 1875, 1880 and 1892
