Herodian Judaism & New Testament Study
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, No. 193
By William Horbury
September 2006
Mohr Siebeck
ISBN: 3161488776
269 pages, 6 1/4 x 9 1/4"
$177.50 Hardcover
The author examines ancient Judaism and Christian origins, and includes a survey of modern British New Testament scholarship in its international setting. He pays special attention to links with work on classical and Jewish traditions.
PART 1 Jewish & Christian Piety
Jewish and Christian Monotheism in the Herodian Age.
Moses and the Covenant in the Assumption of Moses and the Pentateuch.
Books of Solomon in Ancient Mysticism.
Gospel in Herodian Judaea.
Cena Pura and the Lord's Supper
PART II Modern New Testament Study
British New Testament Study in its International Setting 1902-2002.
Rabbinic Literature in New Testament Interpretation.
Particulars of First Publications.
Indexes of: References, Authors, Subjects.
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