Hamlet the Sign
Russian Translations of Hamlet & Literary Canon FormationBy Aleksei Semenenko
August 2007
Stockholm University
ISBN: 9789185445783
198 pages. Illustrated. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2"
$69.50 paper original
This work is an attempt to answer one simple question: What is Hamlet? Based on the material of Hamlet translations into Russian. the disertation scrutinizes the problems of literary canon formation, translation and textuality proceeding in two parallel directions: the historical analysis of canon formation in translation and the conceptualization of Hamlet's textuality. The methodological framework is defined in the context of Jurij Lotman's semiotics of culture, which is invaluable for an understanding of the mechanisms of literary evolution, the theory of translation and literary canon formation.
Stockholm Studies in Russian Literature No. 39