Henry of Ghent & the Transformation
of Scholastic Thought
Studies in Memory of Jos Decorte
Edited By Guy Guldentops & Carlos Steel
December 2003
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-329-4
444 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ¾"
$115.00 Hardcover
Partial Contents include: Metaphysics and Epistemology, Relation and substance in Henry of Ghent's Metaphysics, Henricus Gandavensis Platonicus, Elements of Avicennian Metaphysics in the Summa, Certitude and Wisdom in Bonaventure and Henry of Ghent, Divine Ideas and Infinity, Ethics, Henry of Ghent on Freedom and Human Action, Henry of Ghent and the Debate over Ways of Life, Theology, Henry of Ghent and John PEckham's Condemnation of 1286, Intellect and Will as Natural Principles, Henry of Ghent's Doctrine of Verbum in its Theological Context, On the Unwritten Section of Henry of Ghent's Summa, Henry of Ghent on Ordained and Absolute Power, Bibliography.
Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Series 1, No. 31
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