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Hindu Concept of Life & Death
As Portrayed in Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanisads
By Shyam Ghosh
September 2002
Reprinted from the 1989 edition
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
ISBN: 81-215-1056-2
275 pages, 5 ½ x 8 ½"
$24.00 hardcover
This book portrays the Hindu view of life in its totality-its origin, growth, decay, and eternity. It surveys different schools of thought in the East & West, beginning with the human belief in the Unseen, down to religious rites & the birth of materialism. The author analyses over 500 ancient texts to justify the Hindu cults of immortality, karma, transmigration of souls & image worship. It underlines the fundamentals of physical science as found delineated in the early Vedic texts and projects the Hindu concept of cosmic & bio-consciousness as well as the spacetime continuum and the Supreme.

Religion; Philosophy