History & Eschatology in John Scottus
Eriugena & His Time

Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference
of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian
Studies Maynooth & Dublin August 16-20, 2000

Edited by James McEnvoy & Michael Dunne
November 2002
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-241-7
645 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$107.00 Hardcover

Contents include: "The Eriugenian Tension between History & Eschatology" by Catharine Kavanagh, "John Scottus and Bede" by John Contreni, "Some Distinctive Theses of Eriugena's Eschatology in his Exegesis of the Gospel According to St. Matthew" by Gustavo A. Piemonte, "Imagery of the New Jerusalem in the Periphyseon and Eriugena's Irish Background" by Thomas O'Loughlin, "Essentia, voluntas et scientia: esiti escatologici della gnoseologia del De Praedestinatione Liber", by Armando Bisogno, "Predestination, Human Freedom and the Augustinian Theology of History in Eriugena's De Divina Praedestinatione" by Robert Crouse, "Time and Eternity in the Periphyseon" by Dermot Moran.

Ancient & Medieval Philosophy, De Wulf-Mansion Centre Series 1, XXX

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