Human Rights
[In English & Swedish]
From the Frontiers of Research

Edited By Diana Amneus & Goran Gunner
December 2003
Iustus Forlag
ISBN: 91-7678-545-9
313 pages, 6 ½" x 9 ½"
$99.50 Paper Original

"The Frontlines of human rights" was the main these at the Swedish Forum for Human Rights 2002. During two days, more than 100 persons presented up to date research work and participated in the open debates on human rights and humanitarian law. Professionals, researchers, politicians and NGO-activists met to discuss the problems and achievements in the field of human rights. This volume includes the academic contributions presented at the Swedish Forum for Human Rights. There is an increasing body of research concerning human rights and humanitarian laws going on in different academic disciplines. Of course, this book is in no way all-inclusive but simply gives a few examples gleaned from current research work. The contributions in this volume were written partly by invited international researchers, and partly by other contributors that answered the "Call for paper," that was sent to universities, research institutes, organizations and individuals.

Sociology, Politics
Studia Theologica Holmiensia, No. 7

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