Inverse Modelling of the
Rainfall-Runoff Relation
A Multi Objective Model Calibration Approach
By Tom H.M. Rientjes
June 2004
Delft University Press
ISBN: 9040724911
407 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ½"
$87.50 Paper OriginalOUT OF PRINT
This is a Ph.D. dissertation. It is commonly known that the relation between rainfall and runoff plays an important role in many water related societal issues. Generally speaking, one can say these issues relate to a) the operational aspects of (real-time) water management practices such as high and low water forecasting b) the simulation of hydrologic processes and systems for defining design criteria for infra structural works and c) defining effects of land use and climate change on runoff processes.
An example of the role of rainfall-runoff processes in operational water management is the optimal use of limited available water volumes for domestic and/or agricultural use. By quantifying the runoff volumes in a channel network system, a strategy can be developed to manage, redistribute and allocate the water spatially and temporally over the various water users.
Contents include: Introduction, Rainfall-runoff modeling, Review of Distributed Physically Based Rainfall-runoff Modeling, Model Concept "Flowsim," Model Calibration, Case Study Troy Catchment.
Hydrology; Civil Engineering
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