Italian Expedition to the Himalaya,
Karakoram & Eastern Turkestan (1913-14)
By Filippo De Filippi
March 2005
Reprint of the 1932 Edition
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
ISBN: 8121511445
544 pages, Illustrated w/ Map Inserts, Pullout Illustrations
7 ½" x 9 ¾"
$99.50 Hardcover
First edition in English, with revisions and an additional chapter in which are summed up the general results of the expedition in the various fields of research. The expedition crossed India, Baltistan, Ladakh, and Russian Turkestan. There are still a number of remote ranges which have never been traversed since this expedition.
With chapters by G. Dainelli and J.A. Spranger. Illustrated with 2 colored plates by R.W. Spranger, 15 panoramas, 4 maps in color and over 300 illustrations in the text from photographs by C. Antili and other members of the expedition.
Art History, History, Geography
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