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Jewish Literacy in Roman Palestine
By Catherine Hezser
June 2001
J.C.B. Mohr, German
580 Pages
Hardcover edition:
ISBN: 3-16-147526-7
Paper edition:
ISBN: 3-16-147546-1
The author presents a comprehensive study of Jewish literacy in antiquity. She elucidates similarities & differences between the ancient Jewish and Graeco-Roman use of writing and follows recent socio-anthropological approaches to literacy, focusing on the social contexts and purposes of writing. She studies various aspects of literary, epigraphic & papyrological material. She also studies the conditions which would have enabled or prevented the spread of literacy, such as education, schools, availability & costs of writing materials, religious interest in writing & books, the existence of archives & libraries, and the question of multilingualism.

Judaism; Religious History
Texts & Studies in Ancient Judaism, No. 81