Journal of a March from Delhi to
Peshawur & from thence to Cabul
with the Mission of Lieut-Colonel
Sir C.M. Wade
Including Travels in the Punjab, a Visit to the City
of Lahore, and a Narrative of Operations in the
Khyber Pass, Undertaken in 1839
Edited By William Barr
November 2003
Reprint of the 1849 Edition
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
ISBN: 81-215-1095-3
250 pages, Illustrated, 5 ¾" x 9"
$32.50 Hardcover
Contents include: From Delhi to Kurnal, Kurnal to Lodianah, Lodianah to Lahore, Lahore, Lahore to Rhotas, Rhotas to Peshawur, Camp at Peshawur (2 chapters), Camp at Koulsir, The Khyber Pass, From Dhaka to Cabul, From Cabul to Ferozepore.
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