A Middle & Late Cypriote Bronze Age Site
By Kjell Malmgren
October 2003
Paul Astroms Forlag
ISBN: 91-7081-109-1
205 pages, Illustrated, 5 3/4" x 8 ¼"
$69.50 Paper Original
The aim of this study is to give as complete a picture of the Middle and Late Bronze Age site at Klavdhia-Tremithos as possible. The site was excavated in 1899 by the British Museum, under the direction of F.B. Welch. Only tombs were excavated and, except for the finds, we have only a very brief report and a sketch, attached to a letter from Welch to M.S. Murray at the British Museum dated Athens 16th June 1899. The finds from the excavation were divided between the British Museum and the Cyprus Museum, Nicosia. Contents include: Introduction, Catalogue, Studies of the Finds, Chronology of the Tombs, Kladhia-Tremithos in its setting, Summary, Bibliography, Concordance of Museum inventory numbers and catalogue numbers, Appendices and Plates.
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