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The Key to European Union, Five Parts

By Nicholas Moussis
Edited by Stephanie Kordas
September, 2000 (Iustus Förlag)

Part I: Treaties, Institutions, Citizens
ISBN 91-89378-02-4
98 pages paper original

Part II: The Stages of European Integration
ISBN 91-89378-03-2
102 pages paper original

Part III: EU Horizontal Policies
ISBN 91-89378-04-0
144 pages paper original

Part IV: EU Sectoral Policies
ISBN 91-89378-05-9
131 pages paper original

Part V: EU External Policies
ISBN 91-89378-06-7
101 pages paper original

This five-part series studies the policies of the European Union. Part I discusses the origins, treaties & legislation, the role of the institutions and citizens in European construction. Part II deals with the stages of European integration-the customs union, the common market, the economic and monetary union, and the political outlook of the Union. Part III explains the horizontal policies of the Union, the effects of which spread over the whole economy and society of Member States; i.e., regional, social, taxation, competition and environmental policies. Part IV deals with sector policies, affecting agriculture. Part V covers the external policies of the European Union, namely the common commercial policy, the aid to development policy, and foreign & security policy. These parts form a simplified version of the book written by Dr Nicholas Moussis.

Politics; Economics