King Henry's Bible MS BODLEY 277
The Revised Version of the Wyclif Bible,
Volume III: Proverbs - II MacCabees

Edited By Conrad Lindberg
December 2002
Almqvist & Wiksell International
ISBN: 91-22-01950-2
550 pages, 6" x 9"
$99.50 Paper Original

This third volume of an edition of MS Bodley 277 gives the text of the manuscript from Proverbs to the II MacCabees (the end of the Old Testament). It offers the same type of revision as seen in volume II: additions and omissions, transpositions and substitutions, though to a much smaller extent. It seems that the amount of revision diminished as the work progressed, either because of the human factor, or because the text copied was in less need of revision. A final verdict can only be given after the whole text of MS Bodley 277 has been edited. A full collation with the earlier text, as seen in MS Bodley 959 followed by MS Christ church 145, is a desideratum.

Stockholm Studies in English, No. 98

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