Language Learning: A Process View
Applications of the Cognitive Approach to Learning to Second Language Instruction

By Krassimira Rangelova
November 2005
St Kliment Ohridski University Press
ISBN: 9540721148
123 pages, 5 3/4 x 8"
$77.50 Hardcover

Partial Contents:

1. Cognitive Conceptions of Learning: Multisource Nature of Learning. Conceptual & Historical Foundations.
Influence of Cognitive Psychology. Cognitive Theories of Learning.

2. Developing Proficiency in Second Language: Language Learning--an Integrative View; Route into Memory. The Learner.

3. Language Learning as a Process of Discovery: Socio-Collaborative Approach. Rethinking English Language Instruction. The Design.
Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Curriculum Design.

4. Conclusion: Rethinking Language Learning & Redesigning Language Instruction.

Integrated Language Activities.
Course Rationale.
Course Syllabus.
University English Language Integrated Skills Course.
The Contexual Model.

Language Studies

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