Lembra Archaeological Project, Vol. II-1A
Excavations at Kissonerga-Mosphilia, 1979-1992
By Edgar Peltenburg et al.
Dec. 1998
Paul Åströms Förlag
ISBN: 91-7081-190-3
476 p. Illustrated
$189.00 Paper Original
Contents include: Multiperiod Kissonerga: The Sequence; Structures and Other Occupational Evidence From the Aceramic Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age; Mortuary Practices; The Pottery; Figurines, Figurine Elements, Phalli, Possibly Figurative Worked and Unworked Statues, Unidentifiable Worked Stone and Pottery Fragments; The Ground Stone Industry; Other Artefacts; The Chipped Stone Assemblage; Animal Remains: Synopsis; Archaeobotanical Report; The Mollusca; Fish Remains; The Character and Evolution of Settlements at Kissonerga. Color and black and white plates.
Series: Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology
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