Ligand & Electrically Induced Activation
Patterns in Myenteric Neuronal Networks
Confocal Calcium Imaging as a Bridge
between Basic & Human Physiology
By Raf Bisschops
May 2005
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 905867455X
134 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¼" x 9 ½"
$89.50 Paper Original
This is a Ph.D. dissertation. Gastrointestinal motility regulated by hormonal, myogenic and neuronal mechanisms. The neuronal control consists of two elements: on the one hand the extrinsic innervation by para- and ortho-sympathetic nerve fibres and on the other hand intrinsic intrinsic innervation by the enteric nervous system (ENS). The myenteric plexus as part of the ENS, is to a great extent involved in the control of gastrointestinal motility. The guinea-pig myenteric plexus has been the subject of intense research over the last three decades, resulting in a better understanding of gastrointestinal physiology and motility.
The ENS comprises a large diversity of neurons. Current classification schemes of enteric neurons are mainly based on the data obtained from classical electrophysical experiments, immunohistochemistry and retrograde labeling techniques. Electrophysiological recordings give real-time information concerning the electrical activity of one impaled myenteric neuron (S/AH type neurons), but this information is mostly limited to a single neuron. Immunohistochemical staining for different neurotransmitters or different functionally relevant proteins provides information about an activity due to intrinsic technical limitations of fixation techniques.
Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, No. 338
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