Land Called Bulgaria
By Viara Kandjeva & Antoniy Handjiyski
October 2003
Borina Publishing House
ISBN: 954-500-097-X
103 pages, Illustrated, 8 1/4" x 10 1/2"
$89.50 Hardcover
This is a lovely book on the nature of a lovely country in Southeastern Europe. Both authors are professional photographers and have presented a wonderful piece of work, giving an excellent picture of the beauty of Bulgaria. The book would be of interest to anyone who travels in Bulgaria and also to all lovers of nature.
About the Authors: Viara Kandjeva was born in Bourgas and graduated in Geography in 1980 from the University of Sofia. Antoniy Handjiyski was born in Sofia and also graduated in Geography from the University of Sofia. In 1990 the authors established the Borina Publishing House which they run together.
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