Return to Coronet Books main pageLand Management
Public Policy, Control and ParticipationBy Gerhard Larsson
Dec. 1997
Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN: 91-540-5783-3
232 p.
$88.00 Paper Original
Improvement of land management is an urgent question everywhere. Land resources are limited, population is increasing and the need for better land use is often obvious. Sustainable development and environmental care are the main goals. Which responsibilities and possibilities do public authorities and institutions have to reach these and related goals? Which policies should be chosen, which means are available, which measures might be taken and how can the public and private sectors co-operate?
Land Management. Public Policy, Control and Participation is devoted to such questions. It provides an overview of relevant issues in rural and urban surroundings in both industrial and developing countries. In the first section, the book discusses general aspects concerning the needed information systems, goals and policies, means and ways for improved management in rural and urban areas respectively. Finally some main points for consideration are summarised.
This information book is written for undergraduate and graduate students of real estate, planning, surveying and development. It is also useful for practioners and administrators wishing to widen and structure their knowledge.
Urban Affairs
Series: Swedish Council for Building Research