An Ethnographic Investigation of Meditated Learning
Experiences Among Ethiopian Jews in Israel

By Girma Berhanu
September 2001
Goteborg University Press
ISBN: 9173464112
298 pages, Illustrated, 5 3/4" x 8"
$57.50 Paper Original

This study adopts an integrated socio-cultural and historical theoretical framework and a three-tiered analysis in order to explore "group-based inequities" in scholastic achievement.

The three levels of analysis are: (1) individual, focusing on knowledgeability of individual actors based on aptitudes, motivation and personal histories; (2) inter-individual, focusing on micro-level social interaction, interpersonal interaction, classroom interactions, peer group relationships and other dynamics of daily life; and (3) institutional/communal, focusing on social structure, laws, norms, policy, cultural systems, ethnicity, religion, power discourse, history. The levels concern the issue of agency and structure in social science.

Goteborg Studies in Educational Sciences No. 166

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