Managing Mercury

By Lars Engwall
Edited by Elving Gunnarsson, Ingemund Hägg, & Eva Wallerstedt
June 2002
Uppsala University Press
ISBN: 91-554-5188-8[bookcover]
245 pages, illustrated
$51.50 paperback

Contents include: List of figures. List of tables. Lars Engwall 60. Size distibution of firms-A stochastic model. Inequality of firm sizes in different economic systems. Newspaper competition: A case for theories of oligopoly. Organization theory: Where are you? Newspaper adaptation to a changing social envinronment: A case study of organizational drift as a response to resource dependence. Mercury meets Minerva. Bridge, poker, and banking. Magement studies: A fragmented Adhocracy? Banks as organizations. Mercury and Minerva: A modern multinational. Academic business studies on a global scale. The making of Viking leaders: Perspectives on Nordic Management Education. The globalisation of magenement. Some thoughts on competition of systems (for Lars Engwall on his sixtieth birthday). Curriculum vitae of Lars Engwall. Bibliography. Name index.

Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum, No. 49

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