Modelling of Georelief & its Geometrical
Structure Using DTM

Positional & Numerical Accuracy

By Jozef Krcho
Translated from Slovak by Svetozar Plesnik
December 2001
Q111 Publishers
ISBN: 80-85401-92-4
336 pages, Illustrated, 6 3/4" x 9 3/4"
$187.50 Hardcover

Contents include: Geometric structure and geomorphometry of georelief - the expression geomorphometric values of structural fields of scalar altitudes field determined by the function z=f(x,y) or z=z(x,y); Physical significance of total geometric forms of georelief from viewpoint of modeling (erosion-denudation and accumulation) processes; Extended geometric properties of georelief in the differentially small neighborhood of its arbitrary point and their significance for points localization of the Dupin Indicatrix.


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