Measuring Socioeconomic
Status & its Effects at Individual
& Collective Levels
A Cross-Country Comparison
By Yang Yang
December 2003
Goteborg University
ISBN: 91-7346-463-5
323 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¾" x 9 ½"
$69.50 Paper Original
This is a Ph.D. dissertation. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine socio-economic status (SES) effects on academic achievement at individual level and school level across countries. A basic assumption is that SES is multi-dimensional and that it should be studied at multiple levels. The data analyzed in the empirical studies were taken from the IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) Reading Literacy Study (RLS, 1990-91) and the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS, 1994-95). Reading achievement of both 9-year-olds and 14-year-olds in RLS and Math-Science achievement of 13/14-year-olds in TIMSS were used as measures of academic achievement. A set of household items from the Student Questionnaire in the two IEA Studies was used as indicators of SES. The empirical studies comprised of data from over 20 countries. Two-level Structural Equation Modeling was used at school and student levels to investigate measurement models of reading achievement and SES, and the relationships between academic achievement and SES dimensions.
Education; Sociology
Goteborg Studies in Educational Sciences, No. 193
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