Medieval Slavic Manuscripts & SGML
Problems & Perspectives
Edited By Anisava Miltenova & David Birnbaum
November 2002
Professor Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House
ISBN: 954-430-740-0
371 pages, 6 1/2 x 9 ½"
$86.50 Paper Original
Articles include: "An Electronic Repertory of Medieval Slavic Literature & Letters: A Suite of Guidelines" by Anisava Mitenova, "Toward an SGML-Compatible Representation of Cyrillic Symbols" by Rumyan Lazov, "Miscellanies about St. John of Rila in 15th - 19th Century Bulgarian Literature, "The Application of Computer Tools to an Investigation of the Place of Prognostic Books in Medieval Slavic Tradition" by Adelina Angusheva, and "A Data Searching and Extracting Program from SGML Database" by Stanimir Velev.
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