Moses, God & the Dynamics
of Intercessory Prayer
A Study of Exodus 32-34 & Numbers 13-14
By Michael Widmer
November 2004
Mohr Siebeck
ISBN: 3161484231
414 pages, 6" x 9"
$115.00 Paper Original
The author considers the significance of the canonical portrayal of Moses as intercessor. At the heart of this study is a close reading of Exodus 32-34 and Numbers 13-14 with particular focus on Moses' prayers.
By examining intertextual associations between these two accounts and other texts, the author argues for not only the paradigmatic nature of these prayers but also the intrinsic connection between prayer and biblical theology.
Contents include: Introduction, Chapter 1 Prayer in the Old Testament, Chapter 2 Hermeneutical Reflections, Chapter 3 Prophetic Intercession, Chapter 4 First Prayer: "Faithful Disagreement," Chapter 5 Second Prayer: "Costly Solidarity," Chapter 6 Third Prayer: "Engaging God Face to Face," Chapter 7 The Revelation of God's Name, Chapter 8 Fourth Prayer: The Covenant Mediator, Chapter 9 A Historical Critical Reading, Chapter 10 A Canonical Reading of Numbers 13-14, Chapter 11 Moses' Intercessory Prayer and God's Response, Concluding Summary: Moses, God, and the Dynamics of Intercessory Prayer.
Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. No. 8
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