Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan,
Afghanistan, & the Punjab, 1826 to 1838
Volume IV: Kalat
During a Residence in those countries to which is added an account
of the insurrection at Kalat, and a memoir on Eastern Balochistan

By Charles Masson
December 2001 (reprint of the 1844 edition)
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd
ISBN: 81-215-1033-3
463 pages, illustrated
$47.50 hardcover

This book contains a brief account of the revolt in Balochistān, an episode merely of the great political drama enacted west of the Indus, but deserving attention as the precursor of the catastrophe subsequently developed at Kābal.

The volume concludes with a memoir on Eastern Balochistān, covering geography, tribes, government and history, antiquities and dialects, military force, revenue, trade, agriculture, manners, customs and natural history and mineralogy.


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