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Buddhism in Southeast AsiaBy Arvind Kumar Singh
April 2009
MD Publications
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9788175331662
192 pages
$55.00 Hardcover
Southeast asia consists of two geographic regions: the Asian mainland, and island arcs and archipelagoes to the east and southeast.The mainland section consits of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.The maritime section consists of Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore.Buddhism is the main religion in Southeast Asia. Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia,Laos,Myanmar are Buddhist countries.
This book has some intial chapters about the Buddhism namely, Southeast Asia: An Introduction,Buddhism in Southeast Asia etc.This book further goes to trace Buddhism in each of the Southeast Asian countries.How Buddhism has transformed the society and the customs and rituals of the Buddhist society has been given in this book.This book concludes with chapters on Buddhism in the Philippines and Singapore and Buddhism in the West.
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