Songbird Demography
Demographic structure, survival rates,
& population dynamics of songbirds with particular reference
to the birds of the Eastern Baltic
By Vladimir Payevsky
June 2009
Distributed By: Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789546424709
260 Pages, Illustrated
$147.50 Hardcover
Honorary member of the American Ornithologists' Union, member of Scientific Program Committees of XXII International Ornithological Congress (1998) and of the Second Meeting of the European Ornithologists Union (1999), was born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, in 1937. He is currently Chief Research Fellow at the Ornithological Department of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Scientific Council of the Institute, and co-editor-in-chief of the journal "Avian Ecology and Behaviour".
Having graduated from the Faculty of Vertebrate Zoology at Petersburg State University in 1961, he began his professional career as a field ornithologist at the Courish Spit, Baltic Sea, in the team of zoologists of Biological Station "Rybachy". During more than 35 years the emphasis of his principal scientific interest was in the area of population ecology, breeding biology, and migrations of birds with preferred orientation to demographic aspects of avian life. He has conducted field research mainly in the Baltic, and also during expeditions to Kazakhstan and Tadjikistan. Basic field activities have been the trapping, examination, biometrics, and the ringing of captured birds, as well as the study of avian breeding biology. Vladimir A. Payevsky is an author of more than 180 papers and books, including some popular texts.