Terrorism Has No Religion
By R. N. Trivedi
September 2009
MD Publications
Distributed by
ISBN: 9788175332065
300 pages
$49.50 Hardcover
"Terrorism Has No Religion" is a new slogan spreading quickly and is a proper, much needed secularist approach at this time of crisis. Many people who execute these gory attacks profess to be Muslims. Some may be enlisted by a foreign nation for geographical gain. Some may be cooked up by local politicians for the power gain. Some may be cooked up by religious fanatics.
Wheteher it's an international conspiracy or local political conspiracy or religion based one, terrorists use various means to justify their violence, even though God's written word does not permit these actions.One glance at the victims of terrorist attacks is proof enough that terrorists are nothing but criminals and murderers and are far from being righteous.Terrorism has no religion. In fact all religions, including Islam, are against violence and terrorism. Unfortunately terror is sometimes marketed in the name of religion by some wicked people.
In the interest of mankind it is necessary that every religious leader and follower be extra vigilant against the blatant misuse of religion for terrorist activities.
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