That's What Friends Are For
Critical Friends in a Professional Learning Community

By Jacqueline van Swet, et al., eds.
August 2009
Distributed by
ISBN: 9789044124392
168 pages, Illustrated
$49.50 Paper Original

About the book:

'Critical friendship' is an intriguing concept. The term appears in many books and articles about research and about collaborative learning. However, it has rarely been defined clearly. In this book the authors explore the concept 'critical friendship' as a way of working and acting of students in tutor groups during a master course. At Fontys Teacher Training College of Special Educational Needs all students make use of critical friends during their study process. Being a learning community it is important that staff members do the same. The aim of this study is to find out what the concept means for both the students and for the staff. It is a contribution in the quest to indicate how and practice 'critical friendship' from a master's program.

The concept of 'critical friend' is rarely clearly defined. However, 'critical friends' of vital importance. Especially for students and other professionals as they practice-driven research and write a report. Then there is interactive knowledge. In this book, the authors are looking for a fuller description of purpose and procedure of 'critical friendship'.


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