Transnational Cyber Crime & Terrorism

By Nilesh Kumar Singh
September 2009
MD Publications
Distributed by
ISBN: 9788175332072
269 pages
$49.50 Hardcover

Cyber-terrorism could be defined as the use of computing resources to intimidate or coerce others. It consists of specific crimes dealing with computers and networks (such as hacking) and the facilitation of traditional crime through the use of computers.

The worldwide information infrastructure is today increasingly under attack by cyber criminals and terrorists, and the number, cost, and sophistication of the attacks are increasing at alarming rates. With annual damage around the world now measured in billions of U.S. dollars, these attacks threaten the substantial and ever-growing reliance of commerce, governments, and the public upon the new technology to conduct business, carry messages, and process information.

Measures thus far adopted by the private and public sectors have not provided and adequate level of security, and efforts to prevent or deter them have been largely unsuccessful. With increasingly damaging consequences, Cyber crime and terrorism is quintessentially transnational, and will often involve jurisdictional assertions of multiple States. Agreements on jurisdiction enforcement must be developed to avoid conflicting claims.

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