Advanced Calculus. Lectures
Volume 1
By Vladimir B. Zhivetin
Translated from the Russian by Natalia Zubchenko
July 2007
Pensoft Institute for Risk Problems
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789546402972
544 pages, Illustrated, 6 x 8 3/4"
$215.00 Hardcover
The two-volume textbook was started in 1977 when V. B. Zhivetin published his "Sbornik zadach po lineynoy algebre i analiticheskoy geometrii" (Exercises on Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry). Later on, he published all parts of the textbook that now form two volumes (lectures and exercises), both correlated, interactive, and making a single whole. The books are written for teachers who just begin their teaching career, as well as for specialists and experts.
The problems that students may face while studying mathematics have also been born in mind. In 2003, during a competition of the scientific books that took place at the Kazan State Teacher's University the first edition of this textbook won the first prize. Vladimir B. Zhivetin is Head of the Institute of Risk Problems, Academy of Risk Sciences. Previously, the author worked at the chair of mathematics of the Kazan Aviation Institute, where he obtained his PhD and doctoral degrees. For 7 years, he was Head of the Chair of Mathematics there. At present, he works on the problems of human risk and on the risks and safety of dynamic systems at the level of mathematical simulation.
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