Apk 11 und der Bar Kokhba-Aufstand
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament No. 2. 337
By Thomas Witulski
December 2012
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed By
ISBN: 9783161521829
355 pages
$152.50 Paper Original
Thomas Witulski checked the theory of the dating of the writing of the book of Revelation in the period from 132 to 135 AD at 11.1 to 13 Apk their viability. This text is interpreted in contemporary history at the bottom of this new dating of the Apocalypse, many have hitherto hardly satisfactory explained his interpretation to solve problems informally: With his remarks in Revelation 11, the seer refers to the 132 to 135 AD dating to AD Bar Kochba revolt. Both occurring in Revelation 11 "witnesses" represent Bar Kochba and the priest El'azar, the political and spiritual leader of this second Jewish War against Rome.After initial successes, the rebellion initiated by them from the "beast of the abyss", the Roman emperor Hadrian, crestfallen, and the leader of the rebels are losing their lives, Jerusalem, the holy city will be destroyed.
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