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New Research in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Zvejnieki Cemetery & Environment, Northern Latvia
Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series in 8, No. 52
Edited By Lars Larsson & Ilga Zagorska
December 2006
Almqvist & Wiksell
Distributed by
ISBN: 9122021493
336 pages, Illustrated, 6 7/8 x 9 7/8"
$99.50 HardcoverOUT OF PRINT
Zvejnieki is situated on Lake Burtnieki in nothern Latvia. The site includes a Stone Age cemetary and two corresponding settlement sites. Excavations were directed by teh archaeologist Dr. Francis Zagorskis in teh 1960s and 1970s. The Zvejnieki cemetary is one of the largest in Northern Europe in terms of the number of burials and the duration of its use, spanning a period of five millennia (7500-2600 BC).
The cemetary still affords many opportunities for resolving various questions relating to Stone Age. The publication includes articles by seventeen specialists from seven countries, illustrating the importance of the site and the potential for archaeological and palaeoenvironmental studies. Aspects of the environment and its changes during the long use of the site and the faunal remains are presented.
The cemetary at Zvejnieki is excellent for both synchronic and diachronic analyses. The large number of skeletons provides an exceptional basis for studies of the characterisation of physical development, health profile changes, dental analysis, and isotope analysis and palaeodemographic statistics.
The graves yield ample information about the mortuary pratices concerning the treatment of the body at burial and grave goods of different materials. The finds and features are also excellent for comparative studies. All these perspectives are presented in this collection of articles.
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