Brown Studies
Spokesman 97

Edited By Ken Coates
January 2008
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 9780851247502      
95 pages, Illustrated, 5 3/4 x 8 1/4"
$22.50  Hardcover


Editorial - Ken Coates

Breaking Storm? -  Gabriel Kolko

Planned Economy  - Gordon Brown

Brown's Direction  - Paul Rogers

Prospects for Labour - Jim Mortimer    

New Beginnings?  - Joe Marino

My Friend Vonnegut  - Ralph Steadman

My Last Word  -  Kurt Vonnegut interviewed by J. Rentilly

Socialist Aim  - Jean JaurCs

Jaurès - Leon Trotsky

Erasing the Past - John Berger

America at Point Zero - Gabriel Kolko

Blackwater - Kevin Cahill

Star Wars - David Webb & Theodore Postol

Scotland against Nukes - Alex Salmond MSP & Rob Edwards 



Michael Barratt Brown

Ken Coates

Glen Rangwala

Stan Newens

Peter Jackson

John Daniels

Political Science

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