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Buddhism in South AsiaBy Arvind K. Singh
March 2009
MD Publications
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9788175331679
336 pages
$82.50 Hardcover
This book is about Buddhism in South-Asia. How Buddhism started in this part of the world and later spread across the world, this book covers these topics.Buddhism originated in this part of the world and is the state religion of the countries like Sri Lanka and Bhutan and Buddhists are in good number in other SouthAsian countries.This book starts with the introduction of Buddhism and further traces the development of Buddhism in South Asia along with its branches and schools.
The thoughts of Buddhism, early literature of Buddhism, Philosphy of Buddhism,Buddhism in modern century, spreading of Buddhism to the west and other aspects of Buddhism are the key compnents of its characterization and description.These topics are covered in elaborative and meticulous manner and language has been kept simple which is easy to understand.We expect that th epresent book will be very useful for the scholars who want to read know about the Buddhism in South Asian countries. About Book Editors/Authors Contents Price
Philosophy; Religion
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