Carnage Continues… & now for the Trident
The Spokesman No. 92Edited By Ken Coates
December 2006
Distributed by
ISBN: 0851247296
81 pages, 5 7/8 x 8 1/4"
$17.50 Paper Original
Contents include:
Editorial by Ken Coates
"'No' in colour" by David Gentleman, an interview
"The Unseen Outrage" by John Berger, Noam Chomsky, Harold Pinter & Jose Saramago
"Apocalypse Near" by Noam Chomsky interviewed by Merav Yudilovitch
"Episode in the War Against Error" by Alexis Lykiard
"At a Crossroads" by Tadatoshi Akiba
"There Are No Safe Nukes" by Hans Blix
"Making Britain's Nukes 'Usable'?" by Paul Rogers
"Nuclear Dependency" by John Ainslie
"Fates Worse than DEATH" by Kurt Vonnegut
"Crisis of Greed" by Gabriel Kolko
"Whose Century?" by Immanuel Wallerstein
"Semper Fou" by James Alexander Thom
Political Science
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