Communicating Risks
Towards the Threat Society?
Edited by Stig A. Nohrstedt
April 2011
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789186523138
224 pages
$87.50 Paper original
1. Threat Society and the Media
2. Risk Communication from a Rhetorical Perspective
3. Journalistic Norms, Organizational Identity and Crisis Decision Making in PSB News Organizations
4. The " Climate Threat" and Constructions of Identity in Swedish News Media
5. What is Threatening the West? Islam/ Communism/ Religion/ Politics & Irrational Discourse
6. Constructing Close and Distant Muslim Identities
7. Norms of Rhetorical Citizenship in the Danish Foreign Policy Debate
8. Emergency Communication in an age of Mobile Communication and Prevalence of Anxiety
9. Discourses and Identity Positionings in Chemical Plant Employees
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