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Crisis Management
Master the Skills to Prevent Disasters

By Suresh Goel
November 2009
Global India Publications
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789380228082
313 pages
$24.95 Paper Original

The information in this book covers several aspects of crisis management and turnaround management. A very important issue is early warning signs, since chances for a successful turnaround are best in the early stages of a crisis. Management of a crisis involves managerial issues such as analysis of the causes, interim management, development and execution of a turnaround plan,as well as legal issues of communication with various internal and external stakeholders.

This work seeks to explore the possible barriers that exist to effective organizational learning in the wake of crisis events. The book outlines the nature of the crisis management process and identifies a number of barriers to the learning process. It also includes suggesting ways in which organizations can develop more effective learning capabilities for crisis events.


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