Deuteronomy & the Emergence of Textual Authority in Jeremiah
Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. No. 87
By: Nathan Mastnjak
December 2016
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161538728
261 Pages
$118.50 Paper original
The close relationship between Jeremiah and Deuteronomy has stood near the center of Jeremiah scholarship for over a century. Nathan Mastnjak brings new light to this phenomenon by subjecting every credible allusion to Deuteronomy in Jeremiah to detailed analysis with particular attention to interpretative processes and the dynamics of authority. By locating each allusion in the history of the composition of the book, the author traces a discernible shift in the perspective on Deuteronomy's authority. While early texts in Jeremiah allude to Deuteronomy as merely one prestigious literary work among others, it emerges as a religious textual authority in the later layers. These later layers construct and deploy Deuteronomy as an authority but are simultaneously constrained to transform it in the interest of religious innovation.