Die Areopagrede des Paulus und Reden bei Josephus: Eine vergleichende Studie
zu Apg 17 und dem historiographischen
Werk des Josephus
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neun Testament 2. No. 419
By: Victor Hugo Schell
October 2016
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161542268
317 Pages
$129.50 Paper original
Vítor Hugo Schell views the history of the Apostles as a historical work of art and tries to discover new facets of the author's literary strategies through the analysis of the Areopagre speech in chapter 17. Through a comparison with Josephus, he gained a new perspective on the scientific view of the Apg and the Areopagrede. The Areopa speech is presented to the speeches of Bellum and Antiquitates, the two longest representations of Josephus, and the only extant examples of a limited "subgrace" within early Jewish historiography. One of the basic questions of the author is: How do Josephus' speeches contribute to a better understanding of the Areopagre speech, but also to the understanding of the author of Acts, as well as of Josephus as an ancient historian? Vítor Hugo Schell's comparison of the formal and thematic features of the Areopagus with corresponding characteristics in Josephus makes a specific contribution to the interpretation of this speech and the entire Lucanian work.