Die Verklarung Jesu nach dem Markusevangelium

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neun Testament
No. 308


By Adrian Wypaldo
August 2013
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed By
ISBN: 9783161525605                         
526 pages
$275.00 Hardcover

The Verklärungsperikope of Mark's Gospel (Mark 9:2-8) is considered a major puzzle of New Testament scholarship. In fact, this narrative the boom in their strange mixture of fascination and bewilderment with major interpretational hurdles. What type of text are you reading and how it behaves with the historical and Christological reality behind this narratio? Adrian Wypadlo offers after an introductory chapter begins with a thorough Einzelversanalyse of the text, especially in narratological aspects. He then compares this with the transformation of ideas in the Judeo-Hellenistic and pagan environment of the NT. Finally, ask Wypadlo after striking, consisting of Jesus, Elijah and Moses figure constellation in Mark 9:4 f The author shows that Mk 9:2-8 along with the Taufperikope (Mark 1:9-11) is the crucial legitimacy within the Markan narrative Christology


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