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Educational Management
A Unified Approach of Education

By S.L. Sharma
November 2009
Global India Publications
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789380228198
312 pages
$24.95 Paper Original

This book focuses on management in school administration. It explains that school administrators play a vital role in the success of a school. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that these leaders and future school leaders understand how to be integrative thinkers. It has been proven that integrative thinkers are more effective leaders and effective leaders create successful work environments.

Further it elaborates on school-based management which involves the formal change in the structures of school governance that leads to a more democratic administrative approach in which planning and decision making are devolved to the individual school and role of principal where the conceptual notion at work here is that of creating a bridge between the performance field and a practice field. It also emphasizes on superintendent preparation and training school leadership preparation etc.


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