Epistle of Jude
Its Text & Transmission
Coniectanea Biblica New Testament Series No. 43
By Tommy Wasserman
March 2006
Almqvist & Wiksell
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789122021590
180 Pages, Illustrated, 9 1/4" x 13 1/4"
$99.50 Paper OriginalOUT OF PRINT
This study treats the textual tradition of the Epistle of Jude. The nucleus of the study is an exhaustive critical apparatus presenting the evidence of 560 Greek MSS, including dozens of lectionaries. The major part of these textual witnesses have not received the attention they deserve. Now, for the first time, all these MSS have been collated in a complete book of the NT. The complete collation has brought many new readings to light, some of which were only known through ancient versions, and previously known and important readings have gained additional support.
An accompanying textual commentary explains the rationale behind the various text-critical decisions in over 100 passages. An innovation is the employment of a new rating system of a more descriptive nature than counterparts.
In a treatment of the literary and text-critical relationship between 2 Peter and Jude, it is argued that the Epistle of Jude has literary priority. Further, the textual traditions of the two writings show that scribal harmonization between the parallel accounts occurs relatively infrequently. Two significant witnesses lack such harmonization altogether.
The history of the text is also the history of readers and their world, as disclosed through the palaeographic and textual evidence. Every manuscript has a unique story to tell, about the ancient copyists, owners and users. In particular, the two earliest papyrus witnesses to Jude are studied in detail. For the first time, plates of these early papyri and the recently registered uncial 0316 are published with complete transcriptions. In addition, plates of two significant miniscules are published with short descriptions.The Greek New Testament manuscripts are crucial for the history of Christianity throughout the centuries and deserve our close attention.
Religion, History
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