Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neun Testament 2. No. 420
By: Uta Poplutz & Jorg Frey
October 2016
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161542923
305 Pages
$129.50 Paper original
The relationship between Johannenevangelium and Johannes Briefe is still controversial in both the literary and the factual and theological aspects. The present volume brings together contributions that address this relationship by means of different thematic complexes, as well as further detailed studies on the Fourth Gospel and the Johannesbriefe. In addition to the questions of the interrelationship between narrative and epistolar forms and the function of narrative elements in the Johannesbriefe, the themes of 'docetism' and 'antidoketism' are dealt with in the comparison of the problem of the commune counters and questions of Christology, sin eradication and sinlessness.In addition there are studies on mimesis and ethics in the First Letter to John, on Plot and Dramaturgy of the Gospel as well as on the Garden Motif and the Death Hour of Jesus.