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Event Management
A Professional & Development ApproachBy Asutosh Chaturvedi
November 2009
Global India Publications
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9788190794190
310 pages
$24.95 Paper Original
The book provides a proven and effective system that is not only accountable and responsible but also fosters the creativity so essential to an industry called \"events\".There are two trends in the modern event industry .The first is the drive for professionalism in response to internal and external forces which shows in compressed form the historical process that is occurring in events.The other trend is convergence that is the convergence of corporate and public events.
This book not only decribes the best practices in corporate event project management;it also allows you to prepare for the coming changes in the corporate event industry.It introduces the basic event project management process.It also explores the importances of the venue, or event site.The simple language of this book will be very helpful for the students.
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