Ulrich Luz placed in this band before 32 exegetical essays, which are almost all incurred 1985-2015.Among them are five previously unpublished and five others, not previously present in the German language texts. The majority of studies published in German, some in English. A first section contains essays on Jesus, a second such the sayings source Q. The third, longest chapter gathered 10 essays on the Gospel of Matthew, the main focus of research of Luz. A short fourth chapter contains two articles on Mark and the Gospel of John. The final fifth chapter is dedicated to the Pauline corpus.Each chapter includes an introduction, which introduces into the towers and they evaluated. At the center of Jesus Chapter are less historical issues in the strict sense, but the basic question of why we ask as theologians after the so-called historical Jesus and under what assumptions we do this. In Matthew chapter is in many essays hermeneutic fundamental questions: How can we his Jesus-Christ story from the inside, that is, as read to her party? What understanding of "truth" presupposes Matthew? In Paul chapter questions as to the piety of Paul and his understanding of justification and court in the foreground.